6 Important Features to Put in Your Welcome Emails

It’s common practice to send out a welcome email to a new subscriber, and sending one that simply states “Thank you for subscribing” is no longer sufficient. This is especially true if you want to make a positive and lasting impression on your new customers and subscribers. 

Some of the best email marketing companies can really help boost your emails! BlueSwitch is one of those companies and we're here to help. Here are six important elements to put in your welcome emails to encourage your subscribers to take the next step in their relationship with your brand.

1. Needs Personal Details

Personalization is key if you want your customers to continue their conversation with your brand after you send them an initial welcome email. Address new subscribers by their names instead of with a generic greeting. And remember that emails with personalized subject lines are more likely to be opened. To personalize welcome emails, mention specific information about what the new customer or subscriber did on your website that led them to receive your welcome email.

For instance, instead of writing “Thanks for subscribing,” you should write “Thank you for subscribing to our daily digest for traveling on a budget.” This shows new subscribers you are aware of and care about their individual experiences with your brand and reminds them what they signed up for.

2. Give Special Offers or Gifts

The best way to thank people is to give them something they want in your welcome email. New subscribers want to know why it will benefit them to interact with your brand on a consistent basis in the future and what they would expect to gain.

Include promotional offers or discounts in your welcome emails, such as a free download or a coupon code for their first order. Special offers and gifts can encourage new subscribers to take further action and new customers to purchase additional items.

3. Include Educational Materials about Products and Services

A welcome email is the best and most relevant opportunity you’ll have to inform your new subscribers and customers about your brand and the products and services you offer. Provide this information concisely and in an entertaining way that is easy to digest. You should also offer links to important and helpful content on your website (e.g., blog posts, audio files, documents, webinars, virtual tours, videos) that will help your subscribers get the most out of what they signed up for.

When applicable, include a link to your most frequently asked questions or a beginner’s guide. This type of information in welcome emails is especially helpful to new subscribers of software services that are on a free trial period or to subscribers who signed up for a subscription-based service.

4. Clear Subject Line and Call to Action

Your subject line should not only be personalized but also clear. If you want your welcome emails to be opened, it should clearly state that it is a welcome email and why you’re sending it. For example, you can use the subject line “Welcome, from ! Claim your gift for signing up.” Insert a button inside your welcome email that is clear and tells new subscribers to do something specific, such as “access your account” or “get your 20% off code.”

5. Links to Your Most Active Social Media Accounts

Ask new customers to follow you on social media in your welcome email, and provide links to your social media pages. Tell them about what you post on your social media sites too (e.g., tips and tricks, special offers, funny memes) so they know what’s in it for them. If you have a Yelp page with detailed information about your business or dozens of positive reviews on your Facebook page, remember that you’ll want your new subscribers to see those too.

6. Subscription Preferences and Information

In a welcome email, always tell your customers how often they will hear from you and what you’ll be emailing them. Better yet, let them decide. Let new subscribers and customers determine what and how often you will email them. Let them know how and where they can change their email preferences. It’s important to realize that everyone is different.

Some customers might want to receive information every day, while others only want information once a month. And some subscribers want to read blog posts, while others only want to be notified about discounts and promotional offers. To really understand this, research some of the best email marketing companies to aid in your email marketing.

By including most (or all) of the above items in your welcome emails, you’ll be able to keep customers connected to your brand long after you send them.


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