Get More Conversions: Critical Elements for Every Product Page

You can have the most innovative product on the market, and stellar marketing content all over the Internet, but still not convert as many customers as you want due to ill-constructed product pages. On top of ensuring that your ecommerce site is mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, quick to load, and all-around engaging, you can’t neglect your product pages if you want more of your online shoppers to turn into online buyers.

If you're still trying to get more conversions, seek out the help of marketing and SEO services. Here are some elements to include on all product pages to achieve higher conversion rates.

High Quality Images

In today’s visually-oriented world, this should be a no-brainer. Include high-definition images of your products that can be rotated so your products can be seen from different angles. Make it easy to zoom in and out so they can be seen close up. If possible, you should include demo videos so your customers get a real idea of how to use your products and what they’ll look like.

Well Crafted Product Titles

Your product titles should be SEO-friendly, but there’s no need to go overboard. You don’t need to include every keyword associated with the product in its title because it’ll just seem cluttered. One or two keywords in a product title is plenty. Ultimately, you want your titles to be catchy but also specific and clear enough that someone searching for what you’re selling will easily be able to find it.

Optimized Product Descriptions

Products will rank higher in search engines when they have descriptions that contain just the right unique, high-quality keywords. Product descriptions are a fantastic way to engage your site visitors, increasing the likelihood that they’ll turn into paying customers. Use product descriptions to showcase the voice of your brand and keep site visitors interested as they’re perusing your inventory.

SEO-Friendly URLs

If you really want your ecommerce business to gain a competitive advantage, don’t forget to make the URL links for your product pages easy to read by people and search engines. For instance, you should want your product page for a coffee table to read:, not Potential buyers are bombarded with options when they’re searching for things to buy online, so they’re much more likely to click on something they can easily read and understand as they scroll.

User Reviews and Product Reviews

User reviews strongly impact buyer decisions and lead to higher conversions. If someone is considering a product and learns how it has helped someone else in real life, they’re more likely to buy it. User reviews and testimonials incite confidence in your site visitor to buy from you, and remind them that they’re not alone in their purchasing decision.

Similar Product Listings

Offer your customers more of what they have already searched for on your site if you want them to happily buy more. This is known as “up-selling” and “cross-selling.” For instance, if a customer is interested in a pair of shoes, offer options for socks that would match the shoes at the bottom of the page. You could even offer this as a package, where the customer will save a certain amount when they purchase the socks with the shoes. This makes it easier for the customer to buy more of the things he or she probably already wants.

Easy to Use and Understand Call-to-Action Buttons

When your customer is on your product page, make it obvious where they should click to add things to a cart or a wish list. Customers should be able to click on a button that’s easy to find on the page because its color or font stands out from the rest of the text. You can also include call-to-action buttons directing them to checkout or to return to your online catalog.

Social Share Buttons

One of the best ways to increase awareness of the products you offer, is by letting your customers share links to your products too. Make it easy for them to share your products with their social networks by including social sharing buttons on your product pages. This will increase traffic to your site, which will increase your conversion rates.

Trust Badges & Returns Policy

Once you represent your product well by using high quality images and stellar descriptions, you’ll want to make your site visitors feel assured that their transaction will be processed securely and efficiently. To do this, include trust badges, such as “Trusted Certified Privacy” or “McAfee Secure.” You should also include your returns policy so the customer knows what they’ll have to do if they need to return an item. This will make them feel more comfortable purchasing from you.

The best product pages, at their core, clearly provide the information a potential customer is seeking, motivates them to buy, and assures them that it’s safe to buy. When you include the above elements on your product pages, your customers will convert because they’ll understand what they’re looking at and will feel motivated and safe to buy from you. To further your e-commerce business, use marketing and SEO services to go the extra mile.


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