Interactive Emails: What You Need to Know

To everyone’s relief, the time to say goodbye to batch email blasts is finally approaching. One day soon, consumers will no longer have to wade through hundreds of irrelevant lines of email text—or ignore them altogether. Businesses will no longer have to spend hundreds of hours and dollars on an email campaign before they see a high return on investment. What’s making this possible? Interactive emails. For more help with interactive emails, look into email marketing services at BlueSwitch!


What’s Inside Interactive Emails

Interactive emails are typically created using HTML5 and CSS code, and many implement Application Programming Interface (API) elements. They should also be optimized for mobile devices because 50 percent or more of all emails are now opened on mobile devices. This means that interactive emails are basically mini mobile-optimized websites. Engaging recipients while they are scrolling through their inbox is now essential to ensuring a successful email campaign.

Trending Elements Inside Interactive Emails

Video and Animated Content

Offer customers a brief demo of a product or service using video, so they’ll want to find out more or sign up for a special promotion. You can also present brief tutorial videos or recorded customer testimonials in your interactive email. Animated content and graphics allow you to catch your prospects’ eye and convey the emotion behind your message more effectively.

Polls, Surveys, and Forms

Have customers tell you via email what they want from your next product line. This interactive email option is also a great way to improve customer service because you can collect constructive feedback and resolve issues before they escalate. Use email to ask customers to write a review and rate a product via forms and graphics they can click.

One-Click Transactions

With one-click transactions, customers won’t need to leave their inbox to place an order. When you notify them about new products, include an “order now” button next to images inside the email.

Social Media Engagement

You can now include live social media feeds in your interactive emails so that email recipients can interact with your most recent posts. Ask them to comment on a post or join your social media conversations with just one click. This is an excellent way to encourage customers to promote your brand across social media platforms.

Why Interactive Emails Are Important

Some marketing professionals claim that email marketing is dead, but it isn’t – and the numbers prove it. According to Capterra, 89 percent of marketers said email is their primary channel for lead generation and adding a video to an email interactive has the ability to increase click rates by 300 percent. The most important thing to remember about interactive emails is that you should track direct response elements, such as one-click transactions, video views, forms, poll responses, and social media posts. Email marketing services will ensure that you get these metrics and are tracking everything properly. You should also implement email automation that monitors who’s engaging with your emails so you can send them emails based on personal data and preferences in the future. Interactive email enables you to narrow in on your target audience, ensuring that they are a part of a tailored, relevant experience. When you incorporate interactive elements into your emails, you will engage customers and see a higher return on investment.


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