Top WordPress Plugins for Digital Marketing - Yoast SEO, JetPack...

There are ways to ensure your digital marketing efforts are as effective as possible. One easy method is using the most optimum plugins for your WordPress site so they can do some of the work for you. However, with thousands of plugins to choose from, figuring out which ones are the best, and the most relevant to your needs, can be quite time-consuming.

Another way is to seek out digital marketing services to help with your efforts. The list below includes the plugins that users consistently rate highly and use most often. The list also includes various types of plugins that will help you with everything from SEO (search engine optimization) and lead generation to improving your site’s speed. Here are the top WordPress plugins for digital marketing


Jetpack is an all-in-one plugin and currently has a rating of four out of five stars on It’s a great plugin for digital marketers because it offers a lot of useful features such as:

  • Site stats and analytics

  • Automatic sharing options for posts

  • Robust security and backup services

  • Sidebar customization and widgets

  • Enhanced image sharing options

  • Customizable contact forms

Most of the features are free to use, and the plugin is typically very easy to install. With Jetpack, your site will get more enriched content, security, and increased traffic.

YOAST SEO - the best free SEO plugin

This plugin offers enhanced SEO components to your site, such as keyword optimization. It forces you to select a focus keyword as you write your articles and then ensures usage of that specific keyword throughout the content on your site.

Yoast also checks your content for readability and lets you preview how your content will look on Google, Facebook, and Twitter before you publish it. Most importantly, the SEO Yoast plugin automatically updates every two weeks to make sure your site is always current and optimized for the latest Google algorithm changes and updates.

Google Analytics by Monster Insights

Monster Insights is easy to use and won’t alter the theme of your website when you install it, unlike many analytics plugins. Plus, it has been downloaded by almost fifteen million users which showcases its popularity.

Monster Insights shows real-time stats for your site, such as how visitors are finding you on the web. Also, the page-level analytics lets you see what pieces of content and sections on your site are the most popular. Their tracking features also allow you to track ads, e-commerce activity, and events, and allow you to customize dimensions for tracking.

Google XML Site Maps

This is another plugin that will help you optimize your site for search engines. It alerts all major search engines every time you publish a post or new content. It even crawls your site structure, saving and indexing relevant information for search engines. 

Broken Link Checker

With this plugin, you’ll receive notifications when it locates broken links on your site. You can easily update broken links from the plugin page too, so you don’t have to open and edit every single one in each post or page on your site. You can even prevent search engines from following broken links.

W3 Total Cache

W3 caches your site’s posts, pages, and static HTML files. This ultimately increases your website’s performance and decreases download times. When your site is faster, your ranking will increase in Google, and fewer visitors will abandon your site because of the long wait for content to load.

WP Optimize

There is a reason this plugin has five out of five stars on It helps you unclog your database and create more space by letting you get rid of post revisions, spam, and unapproved comments, with one click. It will also send you reports on exactly which of your database tables have wasted space, so you’re able to easily manage them. This will keep your website well-ordered, speedy, and efficient. Additionally, you have the option to run an automatic cleanup schedule with the data parameters and time frames that you set.

Optin Monster

Grow your email list and get more subscribers with pop-ups and other types of optin forms with Optin Monster. Each form you create is customizable and designed to convert. It’s also easy to integrate this plugin with a variety of other email marketing services such as MailChimp, Infusionsoft, GetResponse, ConstantContact, CampaignMonitor, ActiveCampaign, Emma, and more.

Moto Press Slider

If you operate an e-commerce site, you’ll want this plugin. It showcases images of your products in an appealing slideshow that has a responsive design, making it easy to view on all devices. You can include animation, transition effects, and text about the images that are being displayed.

Title Experiments

A/B test your titles against each other with this plugin so you can see which one will perform the best. Whether someone clicks on and reads your content depends on its title most of the time. With this plugin, you can see which titles will get you the most click-through rates and engagement. Essentially, the speed at which your content loads, is found, and is engaged with on the web will ensure the success of your digital marketing efforts. Research digital marketing services that can help you with this. Use one or all the plugins listed above, and you’ll start to see real results.


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