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Elsa Arauz Elsa Arauz

Metrics an Advanced Media Buyer will Track on Meta

Focusing on solely ROAS can stunt your growth on Meta and in paid advertising in general. We liken it to driving a car with blinders on - you're missing out on other crucial metrics that can supercharge your ad performance

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Bryan Swift Bryan Swift

The Google API Leak: What Happened, and What's Next for SEO

With Google’s “secret rules” for search now exposed, many marketers, SEOs, and site owners are left wondering, have we been wasting our time (and money) playing in a rigged game? What are the REAL ranking factors for organic search? And most importantly, do we need to change our SEO strategies now that Google’s secrets have been exposed?

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Elsa Arauz Elsa Arauz

Let's Tackle Your Fear of Automated Bidding Strategies Point by Point

Imagine you're climbing a mountain. You have the option to take the long, winding path, carefully choosing each step or you could hop on a high-speed elevator, effortlessly reaching the summit in record time. Unless you’re an avid hiker, the second option likely sounds more manageable and more ideal.

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Bryan Swift Bryan Swift

Your Website Isn't Failing Google's Mobile Usability Test (we promise)

If you’ve managed a website during the past few years, then chances are, at some point you’ve gotten a confusing, stress-inducing email from Google Search Console about your site’s Mobile Usability issues. But regardless of what the email says, we promise, your website (probably) doesn't have any Mobile Usability issues.

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Bryan Swift Bryan Swift

How to Run A Backlinks Outreach Campaign (with Free Email Templates)

Link Building Outreach campaigns are an ethical and professional method of building up the number of links that lead to your domain. Usually this is accomplished by contacting the owners and managers of reputable websites and coming to a mutually beneficial arrangement, such as a content exchange.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

AI Empowers Ecommerce Store Owners

Marketing in the ecommerce space is a rapidly evolving world. This can lead to stress, anxiety, uncertainty and chaos for many ecommerce marketing managers. It’s a constant challenge to stay ahead of the competition. You need to create engaging campaigns, optimize customer experiences, and…

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Tallen Hughes Tallen Hughes

7 Best Practces for Email Deliverability

In today's digital age, email marketing continues to be a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience and drive conversions. However, the success of an email marketing campaign relies heavily on one crucial factor: deliverability. Deliverability is fundamental to the success of email marketing campaigns. It refers to the ability of your emails to reach the recipient's inbox.

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Bryan Swift Bryan Swift

Blog Posts: Does Google Even Pay Attention to Them Anymore?

Blog posts can have a significant positive impact on organic rankings, especially if you follow Google's Guidelines on writing useful, helpful, people-first content. Even in the fast-moving age of AI-written content, where anyone can produce a mountain of blog posts rather quickly, blog content is still one of the most useful elements of any marketing campaign.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

70% of All eCommerce Carts Are Abandoned - Find Out Why

Here’s a statistic that should make even the savviest of CMOs shudder: 70% of all online shopping carts are abandoned, according to a study by the Baymard Institute. The study averaged 48 shopping cart abandonment studies that showed abandonment rates ranging from 56% to 81%.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

Is an Omnichannel Marketing Strategy Right for Your eCommerce Brand?

In today's digital age, customers expect a seamless shopping experience across all channels, whether they're shopping online or offline. As a result, it's essential for eCommerce businesses to implement an omnichannel marketing strategy to meet these expectations and stay competitive, rather than thinking of each channel as existing in a silo.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

Five Reasons Why Your eCommerce Website Needs More Content

Not too long ago, I was knee-deep in the B2B industry. I spent the better part of the last 15 years immersed in B2B content. Over the last few years, I’ve been working in B2C and I am amazed at how many eCommerce websites aren’t publishing fresh content on a consistent basis.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

How to Add Better Personalization for B2C Email Marketing

Over the past 10 years or so, personalization has become one of the most important and most-requested fixtures of professional email marketing campaigns. B2C personalization in emails is a highly effective way to engage customers, increase deliverability and drive conversions for eCommerce brands.

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Bryan Swift Bryan Swift

10 Ways to Win at SEO in 2023: Insights, Trends, and Pro Tips

You may have noticed that since December of last year, Google has been rolling out a number of major changes across its platforms, products, and services. Core updates, platform updates, AI-writing tools, and overhauls like the upcoming mandatory switch to Google Analytics GA4 has marketers and business owners scrambling to keep up.

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Bryan Swift Bryan Swift

Shopify SEO: Pro Tips for Optimizing Your Shopify Website

Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms around, and for good reason. Shopify automates the most time- and labor-intensive eCommerce tasks, which means technically-challenged shop owners can spend less time troubleshooting technical issues, and more time running their business.

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Bryan Swift Bryan Swift

Link Building 101: How to Get Backlinks to Your Website (the RIGHT way)

Backlinks are one of the most powerful tools for increasing traffic, improving search engine rankings, and boosting authority for your website and domain. But while backlinks can be a strong ally in any SEO campaign, they can also be your downfall if you don't know how to use them correctly.

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Bryan Swift Bryan Swift

How to Create a Google Account with Any Email Address

Over the last 20 years or so, Google has launched more than 271 products, tools, platforms, and services—most of them totally free. But even though most of Google's products are totally free to use, there's one small catch: you must have a Google account in order to login and use them.

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