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Tallen Hughes Tallen Hughes

How to Leverage Your Marketing Budget in Times of Inflation

This million dollar question has D2C brands and businesses across the country questioning themselves on what to do with their marketing budgets. We have been hearing the terms inflation, recession and consumer spending a lot since the height of the pandemic. But what does this mean long term for the D2C world?

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Bryan Swift Bryan Swift

Shopify Zero Quantity: The Right Way to Hide Out of Stock Products

If you own an eCommerce business, chances are you’ve experienced supply chain issues wreaking havoc on your inventory over the past couple years. Many Shopify owners have reported massive shortages and price hikes that are making it hard to keep popular products in stock.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

Every eCommerce Leader Knows This One Thing…

One simple, yet dramatic, change altered the competitive landscape of commerce forever, and still determines life or death for brands today. The secret to success, used by emergent eCommerce leaders, is an intuitive and effective customer journey. To build this, you need to adopt a new mindset. This article will show you how.

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Susan Wu Susan Wu

5 UX Design Best Practices for Shopify

So, you just built your first eCommerce website on Shopify Plus. Or maybe you’ve had a successful site running for quite some time now. Regardless of where you are in your eCommerce journey, we’ll assume that at this point you have the general framework of your site setup, and maybe you want to give more attention to the user experience.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

eCommerce Fraud: the Top 5 Ways to Spot Suspicious Orders

Transaction fraud is a reality that every eCommerce company faces. In fact, Juniper Research estimates that retailers will lose $130 billion between 2018 and 2023 to CNP fraud. Fraud prevention solutions continue to find new ways to battle online fraud, but many merchants remain unaware of the most common risk factors on any order.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

Get to the Top of Instagram

Breaking News: YOUR ENGAGEMENT IS ABOUT TO DROP!! Ever wonder how brands and influencers appear at the top of Instagram’s hashtag and explorer page? Engagement. That’s right. According to Instagram’s ever-changing algorithm, you need to put in the work if you want to get seen.

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Susan Wu Susan Wu

How to Create Web Design That Converts

As a Shopify Plus Designer, the #1 request when clients want to revamp their site is to make it "pretty.” We all want to create something beautiful. But our aim is to not only create sites that are aesthetically pleasing but, strategic. Therein lies the difference between art and design. At the very core, design should always serve a purpose.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

Your Brand Needs One Voice

Imagine your brand voice was an actual person. Would it sound like Samuel L Jackson or Gilbert Gottfried? Would you want to talk to this person before your morning coffee? Are they the person you want to be stuck with as your Uber driver?

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

How Google is Beating Amazon at the eBook Game

Audible is Amazon’s audiobook company. One of the nice things about using an audiobook from Audible is that, when paired with a Kindle ebook, the audio in Audible stays synchronized with the text of the ebook. That means you can effortlessly switch back and forth between listening to the book and reading the book.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

Hiring a Shopify Developer For Front-End Development

Shopify is one of the largest online platforms for e-commerce. At last count there were over 600,000 merchants using the platform to sell everything from Drew Barrymore’s cosmetic line to really cheap school supplies. One of the reasons that there is such a diverse and large number of merchants on the platform is due to the Shopify’s Apple-esque approach to their platform:

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Rally Stanoeva Rally Stanoeva

From Organized Crime to Data Loss: How Do You Secure Your Business?

One of the less-fun things you have to think about when you’re a founder is business security. Can someone easily hack your Instagram account? What happens if you lost important company files? What do you do if an order of inventory arrives damaged? Ok - don’t panic. We’ve got you covered with 4 foundational ways you can secure your ecommerce store.

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

How NOT to Advertise on Social Media for Your Ecommerce Site

There’s enough content out there about how to run a good eCommerce social advertising campaign. So, let’s get right down to it and talk about what NOT to do when launching a social media advertising campaign. To draw a comparison for you, remember that scene in Season 3 of Breaking Bad when…

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BlueSwitch BlueSwitch

The Best Email Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce

A strong email marketing strategy for eCommerce is one that keeps a healthy conversation with your customers at the moments they’re mostly to engage with your brand. From automated trigger campaigns to weekly or monthly email blasts, understanding the how to have the best version of these conversations is the key to campaigns success.

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Jake Fabbri Jake Fabbri

Maximizing Email Campaigns: 4 Tips to Increase Sales and Revenue

Your next email campaign will be more successful when you address your customers’ buying habits, preferences, and stages of engagement with your business. It’s almost certain that most of your customers have made checking their email a regular habit for years now.

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Claire Sanford Claire Sanford

eCommerce Mobile Shipping Apps Increase Conversions and Revenue

If you’re in ecommerce, you’ve likely heard the phrase “mobile first.” People are increasingly accessing the web on their phones rather than their computers and tablets. It should come as no surprise that mobile sales accounted for 39.6% of all ecommerce purchases in 2018. This number is expected to grow to 53.9% in 2021.

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