5 Sizzling Signs Your Shopify Store Screams for a Mobile App

If you own a Shopify store, you may have wondered why major brands like Fashion Nova and Chubbies are launching mobile apps alongside their traditional eCommerce storefronts. Even if your brand isn't as large as Fashion Nova, there are strategic reasons to create a mobile app version of your store. 

Does your brand find itself in any of the following scenarios? If so, it may be time to create a mobile app for your store. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of launching a mobile app for your eCommerce storefront, and how mobile app development services like Tapcart are making it easier than ever to build and launch an eCommerce mobile app.

Sign #1: Your Shopify Store is Struggling with Customer Retention

The use of mobile applications has been found to significantly enhance engagement metrics, with increases in web traffic, session duration, and conversion rates by as much as 80%! This is a testament to the power and efficiency of mobile apps when compared to traditional mobile websites, which are often slower and less intuitive.

By adopting mobile apps, businesses can bid farewell to the slow loading times associated with mobile websites and welcome a new era of faster, more engaging, and user-friendly experiences. These improvements not only enhance user satisfaction but also contribute to higher conversion rates, making mobile apps a game-changer in today's digital landscape.

A hand holding a magnet attracting cartoon representations of customers

Sign #2: Your Shopify Store is Not Reaching ROI Goals You’ve Set

Unlock the potential of your business by saving both time and money with a mobile app. An app is a fantastic way to seamlessly connect people to your content through push notifications which reaches your target audience at no extra cost.

Push notifications eliminate the need for relying solely on SMS campaigns, where you could be paying hundreds on each campaign send. This level of channel diversification provides an additional route to reach your most passionate customers. It makes your overall marketing spend more efficient, leading to a better return on investment (ROI).

Sign #3: Your Shopify Store has High Abandoned Cart Rates

Mobile applications have the power to revolutionize the way Shopify stores operate, particularly in terms of streamlining checkout processes. A well-designed mobile app can be meticulously designed to reduce the instances of drop-offs, thereby increasing conversions significantly. With the integration of more efficient systems, customers can enjoy a seamless and efficient shopping experience.

Remarkably, with mobile app shopping, the average checkout time can be reduced to as little as 5 seconds. This quick and straightforward process ensures that your customers will breeze through purchases effortlessly.  It's a win-win situation for both businesses and consumers, enhancing the overall shopping experience like never before.

An abandoned shopping cart on a red and orange background

Sign #4: Your Shopify Store has High Mobile Traffic but Low Orders

Reinvigorate the mobile experience for your customers by integrating a cutting-edge mobile application into your business model. This innovative move can serve as a powerful tool to reward your loyal patrons, attract new potential customers, and significantly boost your overall revenue. A well-designed, user-friendly mobile app can effectively convey your brand's image and values, while also providing a convenient platform for users to access your products or services.

In today's digital age, having a robust mobile presence is paramount. You could be letting your business fall behind by settling for a lackluster mobile site that doesn’t engage your customers. Instead, embrace the potential sales and increased customer engagement that a dynamic and interactive mobile app can offer.

Sign #5: You Shopify Store Relies Too Much on Third-Party Entities

A key benefit of a Shopify store that integrates a mobile app version, lies in the collection and utilization of efficient customer data. By leveraging this technology, store owners gain access to a comprehensive analytics that monitors and analyzes users' journeys within the mobile app. This granular level of access to data provides invaluable insights into customer behavior and interactions, enabling businesses to make informed decisions tailored to their mobile strategy.

The direct transmission of analytics events from consumer sessions to a store's data warehouse ensures real-time data availability and streamlines not only the enrichment of internal reporting and analytics but also supports compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR/CCPA. Also who wouldn’t love enhancing their overall marketing efforts by providing detailed information for attribution or ad buying? This is the kind of data that powers sophisticated in-house recommendation algorithms and marketing models.

In essence, with a mobile app you're getting more actionable insights about your customers thus driving personalized customer engagement and optimizing the overall mobile shopping experience.

Is Your Shopify Store Ready for a Mobile App? Find Out with Tapcart

Mobile apps can boost customer retention, maximize ROI, and increase conversions for Shopify stores stuck in a retention plateau. If you're struggling with keeping customers coming back, wasting time and money on ineffective strategies, or losing sales at checkout, it's time to make the leap to mobile.

Tapcart is a mobile app provider that develops apps connected to Shopify stores and has a long-standing partnership with BlueSwitch. The BlueSwitch web development team collaborates closely with Tapcart's app developers to create stunning, high converting apps for our clients.

Want to see if you're ready for a mobile app for your Shopify store? Ensure that your timing is right by contacting us and scheduling a discovery call.


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