True Manufacturing

Replatforming a Complex B2B Operation to Shopify Plus

True Manufacturing is the gold standard in refrigeration technology, famous for superior craftsmanship and precision engineering that meets the exacting demands of professionals worldwide.

Shopify Marketing Consultations

The Project

Transforming an outdated custom e-store into a modern Shopify Plus platform revolutionized True Manufacturing's eCommerce capabilities. Their previous system was cumbersome, inflexible, and unable to support their expanding business. Recognizing the need for a scalable, user-friendly solution, we overhauled their platform to enhance usability, streamline customer interactions, and integrate cutting-edge technology. 

The new Shopify Plus B2B storefront empowers True Manufacturing to market products more effectively, while seamlessly aligning with their operational processes. This transformation not only reduced the strain on customer service but also equipped their business with the flexibility and scalability essential for future growth..

The Challenges

  • Replatform from an out-dated custom eCommerce platform to Shopify Plus, retaining backend processes that are critical to their day-to-day operations

  • Align business and technical requirements with the Shopify B2B framework

  • In-depth customizations across the site based on dynamic customer account permissions and status

  • Complex tiered and nested pricing strategy that varies dynamically between signed-in customers

  • Integrate with the client’s JD Edwards ERP system and customize the Shopify backend to align with this system

Our Solution

Comprehensive discovery of a complex B2B business

To kick off the project, BlueSwitch conducted a comprehensive review of True Manufacturing’s entire business infrastructure—assessing their business needs, customer base, product catalog, pricing structure, shipping requirements, JD Edwards ERP system, marketing capabilities, and more. Our goal was to ensure that their new Shopify store could match the functionality of their existing B2B e-store. Leveraging our expertise in Shopify Plus and deep experience in B2B e-commerce, we guided True in configuring their store within the Shopify ecosystem, and B2B on Shopify framework.

Tailored B2B solutions to match existing ERP and systems architecture

Marrying Shopify’s B2B capabilities with True Manufacturing’s existing business model was a complex challenge. Through in-depth discovery and a deep-dive into their technology stack, we developed tailored B2B solutions that would allow them to continue using their existing JD Edwards ERP system while successfully migrating their B2B e-commerce operations to Shopify. Once the system architecture was in place, we designed a user-friendly UI/UX for the site, addressing the needs of multiple user types. Throughout development, we maintained close communication with True Manufacturing stakeholders to ensure every decision was aligned with their business objectives.

Agile, strategic problem-solving to adapt to new needs as they arose

Given True Manufacturing’s long-standing history, new business requirements inevitably emerged during the development process. These changes required us to remain agile and strategic in our approach, quickly solving problems and adapting as new needs arose. Despite the evolving scope, the development process proceeded smoothly, thanks to strong collaboration and clear project management. With the site fully developed and all integrations completed, True Manufacturing opted for a soft launch strategy, releasing the new e-commerce experience to a select group of preferred customers. This phased approach enabled them to transition operations smoothly and troubleshoot any issues before a full public rollout.


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